Source code for bibpy.preprocess

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Conversion functions for preprocessing of bib(la)tex fields."""

import calendar
from import Iterable
import re

_MONTHNAME_TO_INT = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(calendar.month_name)}

[docs]def preprocess_namelist(namelist, **options): """Convert a list of names to a delimited string.""" if not isinstance(namelist, Iterable) or isinstance(namelist, str)\ or not namelist: return namelist processed_namelist = [] for name in namelist: if isinstance(name, style = options.get('name_style', 'first-last') processed_namelist.append(name.format(style=style)) else: processed_namelist.append(name) # First make sure that "delimiters" occurring in names are braced properly namelist = [re.sub(r'(\s+)(and)(\s+)', r'\1{\2}\3', name) for name in processed_namelist] # Then return the delimited list of names return (' ' + options.get('namelist_delimiter', 'and') + ' ')\ .join(namelist)
[docs]def preprocess_keywords(keywords, **options): """Convert a list of keywords to a delimited string.""" if type(keywords) is not list: return keywords return options.get('keyword_delimiter', ';').join(keywords)
[docs]def preprocess_date(date, **options): """Preprocess a datetime and return its string equivalent.""" return str(date)
[docs]def preprocess_month(month_name, **options): """Convert the name of a month to its one-based index.""" return _MONTHNAME_TO_INT.get(month_name.capitalize(), month_name)
[docs]def preprocess_int(i, **options): """Convert a string to an integer.""" return str(i)
[docs]def preprocess_keylist(keylist, **options): """Convert a list of keys to a comma-separated string.""" if isinstance(keylist, list): return ", ".join([str(key) for key in keylist]) return keylist
[docs]def preprocess_pages(pages, **options): """Convert a 2-element page range tuple to a string.""" if isinstance(pages, tuple) and len(pages) == 2: return "{0}--{1}".format(pages[0], pages[1]) return str(pages)
# A dictionary of fields as keys and the functions that preprocess them as # values, e.g. 'year' should be converted to an integer etc. preprocess_functions = { 'address': preprocess_namelist, 'afterword': preprocess_namelist, 'author': preprocess_namelist, 'bookauthor': preprocess_namelist, 'chapter': preprocess_int, 'commentator': preprocess_namelist, 'date': preprocess_date, 'edition': preprocess_int, 'editor': preprocess_namelist, 'editora': preprocess_namelist, 'editorb': preprocess_namelist, 'editorc': preprocess_namelist, 'eventdate': preprocess_date, 'foreword': preprocess_namelist, 'holder': preprocess_namelist, 'institution': preprocess_namelist, 'introduction': preprocess_namelist, 'keywords': preprocess_keywords, 'language': preprocess_namelist, 'location': preprocess_namelist, 'month': preprocess_month, 'number': preprocess_int, 'organization': preprocess_namelist, 'origdate': preprocess_date, 'origlocation': preprocess_namelist, 'origpublisher': preprocess_namelist, 'pages': preprocess_pages, 'pagetotal': preprocess_int, 'part': preprocess_int, 'publisher': preprocess_namelist, 'related': preprocess_keylist, 'school': preprocess_namelist, 'series': preprocess_int, 'shortauthor': preprocess_namelist, 'shorteditor': preprocess_namelist, 'translator': preprocess_namelist, 'urldate': preprocess_date, 'xdata': preprocess_keylist, 'volume': preprocess_int, 'year': preprocess_int }
[docs]def preprocess(entry, fields, **options): """Preprocess a subset of fields in a list of entries to be output.""" for field in fields: value = getattr(entry, field, None) if value is None: continue if field in preprocess_functions: yield field, preprocess_functions[field](value, **options) else: yield field, value