Source code for bibpy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""bibpy: Bib(la)tex parser and tools."""

import bibpy.parser
import bibpy.postprocess
import bibpy.references
import io
import os
import re

__version__ = '1.0.1'
__license__ = 'BSD 3-Clause'
__author__ = 'Alexander Asp Bock'
__all__ = ('read_string',

def is_string(s):
    """Check if the argument is a string."""
    return isinstance(s, str)

[docs]def read_string(string, format='relaxed', postprocess=False, remove_braces=False, ignore_comments=True, split_names=False): """Read a string containing references in a given format. The function returns an Entries object containing parsed entries and comments. Valid formats are 'bibtex', 'biblatex', 'mixed' or 'relaxed': * bibtex : Parse as bibtex, raise error on non-conformity * biblatex: Parse as biblatex, raise error on non-conformity * mixed : Parse as a mix of bibtex and biblatex, raise error on non- conformity * relaxed : Allow any type of entries or fields The postprocess kwarg can either be a list of fields to convert ('year' to int for example) or a bool. If True, then all viable entry fields are converted to appropriate types. Not all fields can be converted, e.g. the 'title' field remains unchanged. If remove_braces is True, remove braces from field values e.g. 'A {and} B' becomes 'A and B'. If ignore_comments is True, do not include non-entry comments (comment entries are still included). If split_names is True, split names into four components: first, prefix, last and suffix. This is only done for fields that are selected for postprocessing. """ return _read_common(bibpy.parser.parse(string, format, ignore_comments), format, postprocess, remove_braces, split_names)
[docs]def read_file(source, format='relaxed', encoding='utf-8', postprocess=False, remove_braces=False, ignore_comments=True, split_names=False): """Read a file containing references in a given format. The source kwarg can either be a file handle or a filename. Files are treated as utf-8 encoded by default. The function returns an Entries object containing parsed entries and comments. Valid formats are 'bibtex', 'biblatex', 'mixed' or 'relaxed': * bibtex: Parse as bibtex, raise error on non-conformity * biblatex: Parse as biblatex, raise error on non-conformity * mixed: Parse as a mix of bibtex and biblatex, raise error on non- conformity * relaxed: Allow any type of entries or fields The postprocess kwarg can either be a list of fields to convert ('year' to int for example) or a bool. If True, then all viable entry fields are converted to appropriate types. Not all fields can be converted, e.g. the 'title' field remains unchanged. If remove_braces is True, remove braces from field values e.g. 'A {and} B' becomes 'A and B'. If ignore_comments is True, do not include non-entry comments (comment entries are still included). If split_names is True, split names into four components: first, prefix, last and suffix. This is only done for fields that are selected for postprocessing. """ fh =, encoding=encoding) if is_string(source) else source return _read_common(bibpy.parser.parse_file(fh, format, ignore_comments), format, postprocess, remove_braces, split_names)
def _read_common(parsed_tokens, format, postprocess=False, remove_braces=False, split_names=False): """Internal function for processing parsed tokens.""" # Postprocess a subset of fields for automatic type conversion if postprocess or remove_braces: for entry in parsed_tokens.entries: bibpy.postprocess.postprocess( entry, postprocess, remove_braces=remove_braces, split_names=split_names ) return parsed_tokens
[docs]def write_string(entries, **format_options): """Write a list of entries as a string. Accepts either a bibpy.Entries object or a list of bibpy.Entry objects. The list of formatting options are the same as those for Entry's :py:meth:`~bibpy.entry.entry.Entry.format`. """ return (os.linesep * 2).join(entry.format(**format_options) for entry in entries)
[docs]def write_file(source, entries, encoding='utf-8', **format_options): """Write a list of entries to a file given by a filename or file descriptor. The encoding refers to the file's encoding and defaults to utf-8. The list of formatting options are the same as those for Entry's :py:meth:`~bibpy.entry.entry.Entry.format`. """ if is_string(source): source =, 'w', encoding=encoding) with source as fh: fh.write(bibpy.write_string(entries, **format_options))
[docs]def string_is_format(string, format): """Check whether the string conforms to the given reference format.""" try: read_string(string, format) return True except bibpy.error.ParseException: return False
[docs]def file_is_format(file, format): """Check whether the file conforms to the given reference format.""" try: read_file(file, format) return True except bibpy.error.ParseException: return False
def _find_duplicate_variables(strings): """Find all string variables that appear more than once.""" seen = set() duplicates = [] for string in strings: var = string.variable if var in seen: duplicates.append(var) else: seen.add(var) return duplicates
[docs]def expand_strings(entries, strings, ignore_duplicates=False): """Expand all string variables found in all entries. The operation is done in-place. If multiple string variables have the same name, only one of them is arbitrarily used unless ignore_duplicates is True in which case an exception is thrown. """ if not entries or not strings: return if not ignore_duplicates: duplicates = _find_duplicate_variables(strings) if duplicates: raise ValueError("Strings contain duplicate variables: " + ", ".join(duplicates)) # For faster lookup variables = {var: val for string in strings for var, val in string} for entry in entries: for field, value in entry: if is_string(value): exprs = bibpy.parser.parse_string_expr(value) if len(exprs) == 1: # If only a single expression is present, we attempt to # substitute it, otherwise we leave it be variable = exprs[0].value.strip() setattr(entry, field, variables.get(variable, variable)) elif len(exprs) > 1: # If more than one expression is present, we attempt to # substitute where possible and replace a variable with the # empty string if the variable was not found. Both bibtex # and biblatex warn about missing variables and perform # this substitution expanded = '' for expr in exprs: if expr.type == 'string': expanded += expr.value.strip('"') elif expr.type == 'concat': pass else: expanded += variables.get(expr.value.strip(), '') setattr(entry, field, expanded)
[docs]def unexpand_strings(entries, strings, ignore_duplicates=False): """Unexpand all string variables in all entries where possible. The operation is done in-place. If multiple string variables have the same name, only one of them is arbitrarily used unless ignore_duplicates is True in which case an exception is thrown. """ if not entries or not strings: return if not ignore_duplicates: duplicates = _find_duplicate_variables(strings) if duplicates: raise ValueError("Strings contain duplicate variables: " + ", ".join(duplicates)) # For faster lookup values = {val: var for string in strings for var, val in string} value_regex = re.compile('(' + "|".join(map(re.escape, values.keys())) + ')') for entry in entries: for field, value in entry: if is_string(value): split_on_values = re.split(value_regex, value) if len(split_on_values) > 1: filtered = [sv for sv in split_on_values if sv] value =\ " # ".join(['"' + v + '"' if v not in values else values[v] for v in filtered]) setattr(entry, field, value)
def _crossref_common(entries, ref_func, inherit=True, override=False, exceptions={}): """Common function for inheritance and uninheritance of crossreferences.""" if not entries or not inherit: return # For faster lookup crossref_keys = {} targets = [] for entry in entries: # Only examine the entries that contain a crossref field if entry.crossref and is_string(entry.crossref): targets.append(entry) # All entries can be sources of a crossref field crossref_keys[entry.bibkey] = entry for entry in targets: if entry.crossref in crossref_keys: source = crossref_keys[entry.crossref] ref_func(source, entry, inherit, override, exceptions)
[docs]def inherit_crossrefs(entries, inherit=True, override=False, exceptions={}): """Expand the crossreferences in the given entries. The expansion is done according to biber (see section 2.4.1 of the biblatex manual). Inheritance modes are either True for inheriting or False for no inheritance. Likewise fields can either be overwritten or not. Note that overriding fields is a destructive process, they cannot be recreated by :py:func:`~bibpy.uninherit_crossrefs`. Exceptions to both rules can be defined using the exceptions option which is expected to be a tuple of (source, target, options), where the source is the crossreferenced entry and target is the entry containing the crossref, as per biblatex nomenclature. The last field is a dict of the options (inherit and override) for this pair of source and target. """ _crossref_common(entries, bibpy.references.inherit_crossrefs, inherit, override, exceptions)
[docs]def uninherit_crossrefs(entries, inherit=True, override=False, exceptions={}): """Unexpand or collapse the crossreferences in the given entries. The unexpansion is done according to biber (see section 2.4.1 of the biblatex manual). The 'crossref' fields of the entries are used if they refer to a valid key. The options correspond to those given by the a call to :py:func:`~bibpy.inherit_crossrefs`. Inheritance modes are either 'all' (True) or 'none' (False). Fields can either be overwritten or not. Exceptions to both rules can be defined using the 'exceptions' option which is expected to be a dictionary mapping from one entry type to another and the value the 'inherit' and/or 'override' options. Both the source and the target can be '*' to denote all entry types. """ _crossref_common(entries, bibpy.references.uninherit_crossrefs, inherit, override, exceptions)
def _filter_xdata_by_keys(entry, xdata_keys): """Filter and return the xdata keys in entry that are in xdata_keys.""" return [xdata_keys[xdata_key] for xdata_key in bibpy.postprocess.postprocess_keylist('xdata', entry.xdata) if xdata_key in xdata_keys] def _xdata_common(entries, xdata_func): """Common function for inheritance and uninheritance of xdata fields.""" if not entries: return # For faster lookup xdata_keys = {entry.bibkey: entry for entry in entries if entry.bibtype == 'xdata'} if not xdata_keys: return for entry in entries: sources = _filter_xdata_by_keys(entry, xdata_keys) # xdata entries can cascade while sources: source = sources.pop(0) xdata_func(source, entry) # xdata entries can cascade sources += _filter_xdata_by_keys(source, xdata_keys)
[docs]def inherit_xdata(entries): """Expand the xdata fields in the given entries. Inheritance is done according to biber (see section 3.11.6 of the biblatex manual). """ _xdata_common(entries, bibpy.references.inherit_xdata)
[docs]def uninherit_xdata(entries): """Unherit the xdata fields in the given entries. Uninheritance is done according to biber (see section 3.11.6 of the biblatex manual). """ _xdata_common(entries, bibpy.references.uninherit_xdata)