Source code for bibpy.postprocess

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Conversion functions for postprocessing of bib(la)tex fields."""

import bibpy
from import DateRange
import bibpy.error
import bibpy.lexers
import bibpy.parser
import calendar
import re


# TODO: Let users split on default names and custom ones
_SPLIT_NAMES = frozenset([

[docs]def postprocess_braces(value, **options): """Remove any braces from a string value.""" if bibpy.is_string(value): return "".join([e for e in bibpy.parser.parse_braced_expr(value) if e not in '{}']) return value
[docs]def postprocess_namelist(field, names, **options): """Split a string of authors into a list.""" if not names: return [] # First, split on zero brace-level 'and' names = list(bibpy.lexers.lex_namelist(names)) # Second, if requested, parse each name if field in options.get('split_names', []): return [postprocess_name(field, name) for name in names] return names
[docs]def postprocess_name(field, author, **options): """Attempts to split an author name into its components.""" if author and bibpy.is_string(author): return else: return author
[docs]def postprocess_keywords(field, keywords, **options): """Split a string of keywords into a list.""" if not keywords: return [] return [keyword.strip() for keyword in keywords.split(';') if keyword.strip()]
[docs]def postprocess_int(field, value, **options): """Convert a string to an integer.""" try: return int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value
[docs]def postprocess_date(field, datestring, **options): """Convert a string to a :py:func:``.""" if not datestring: return DateRange.empty() return DateRange.fromstring(datestring)
[docs]def get_month_name(i): """Return the name of a month from its one-based index .""" return calendar.month_name[i]
[docs]def postprocess_month(field, month, **options): """Convert a month number to its name.""" try: i = int(month) if i not in range(1, 13): return month return get_month_name(i) except (ValueError, IndexError): month_name = month.lower() if month_name in _MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS: # The first element of calendar.month_name is an empty string return get_month_name(_MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS.index(month_name) + 1) return month
[docs]def postprocess_keylist(field, keylist, **options): """Split a comma-separated string of keys into a list.""" if not keylist: return [] stripped_keys = [key.strip() for key in keylist.split(',')] return [key for key in stripped_keys if key]
[docs]def postprocess_pages(field, pages, **options): """Convert a page range to a 2-element tuple.""" values = re.split(r'\-+', pages) if len(values) == 2: try: return (int(values[0]), int(values[1])) except (ValueError, TypeError): return pages else: return pages
# A dictionary of bib fields as keys and their postprocessing functions as # values postprocess_functions = { 'address': postprocess_namelist, 'afterword': postprocess_namelist, 'annotator': postprocess_namelist, 'author': postprocess_namelist, 'bookauthor': postprocess_namelist, 'commentator': postprocess_namelist, 'date': postprocess_date, 'edition': postprocess_int, 'editor': postprocess_namelist, 'editora': postprocess_namelist, 'editorb': postprocess_namelist, 'editorc': postprocess_namelist, 'eventdate': postprocess_date, 'foreword': postprocess_namelist, 'holder': postprocess_namelist, 'institution': postprocess_namelist, 'introduction': postprocess_namelist, 'keywords': postprocess_keywords, 'language': postprocess_namelist, 'location': postprocess_namelist, 'month': postprocess_month, 'number': postprocess_int, 'organization': postprocess_namelist, 'origdate': postprocess_date, 'origlocation': postprocess_namelist, 'origpublisher': postprocess_namelist, 'pages': postprocess_pages, 'pagetotal': postprocess_int, 'publisher': postprocess_namelist, 'related': postprocess_keylist, 'school': postprocess_namelist, 'shortauthor': postprocess_namelist, 'shorteditor': postprocess_namelist, 'translator': postprocess_namelist, 'urldate': postprocess_date, 'xdata': postprocess_keylist, 'volume': postprocess_int, 'year': postprocess_int }
[docs]def find_postprocess_fields(parameter, value): """Find the fields that need to be postprocessed for a given parameter.""" if type(parameter) is bool: return value if parameter else [] else: return parameter
[docs]def postprocess(entry, fields, **options): """Postprocess a subset of fields in a list of parsed entries.""" remove_braces = find_postprocess_fields(options.get('remove_braces', False), entry.fields) split_names = find_postprocess_fields(options.get('split_names', False), _SPLIT_NAMES) fields = find_postprocess_fields(fields, entry.fields) postprocess_fields = set() postprocess_fields.update(remove_braces, split_names, fields) for field in postprocess_fields: value = getattr(entry, field, None) if value is not None and value != '': if field in fields and field in postprocess_functions: value = postprocess_functions[field]( field, value, split_names=split_names ) if remove_braces: if type(value) is list: value = [postprocess_braces(e, remove_braces=remove_braces, split_names=split_names) for e in value] else: value = postprocess_braces(value, remove_braces=remove_braces, split_names=split_names) setattr(entry, field, value)