Changelog ========= .. 'new' is for new, planned modifications .. 'fix' is for bugfixes .. 'feature' is for features added via pull requests .. 'refactor' is for code refactors .. 'docs' is for anything related to documentation .. 'tests' is for anything related to tests .. 'tools' is for anything related to bibpy's tools .. raw:: html .. role:: new .. role:: fix .. role:: feature .. role:: refactor .. role:: docs .. role:: tests .. role:: tools Version numbers follow `Semantic Versioning `__ (i.e. ..). `1.0.1 `_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - :fix:`[fix]` Fixed returning the default value of a field on an entry when that field is set to `None` (unset) `#8 `__. - :tests:`[tests]` Fixed some suddenly failing tests (issue with vcrpy cache?) - :docs:`[docs]` Added module documentation `1.0.0 `_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. warning:: Version 1.0.0 only supports Python 3.5+ and PyPy3. - :new:`[new]` Port everything to Python 3.5+ - :new:`[new]` Changed license - :new:`[new]` :docs:`[docs]` Add readthedocs documentation - :refactor:`[refactor]` General code overhaul: - Added utf-8 encoding declarations to all files - Better formatting for more readable code - Eliminated duplicate code - Eliminated unused code - Eliminated unused imports - Eliminated some pytest warnings - Cleaned up lexer classes - Prefer single-quoted strings to double-quoted - Improved docstrings and added missing ones - :feature:`[feature]` Added setter for values (and variable for @string) for @comment, @string and @preamble entries - :tests:`[tests]` Extended some tests and completed missing ones - :fix:`[fix]` Improved main bib lexer slightly by removing a call to the :py:func:`~bibpy.lexers.remove_whitespace_tokens` function since the lexer already removes whitespace in entries and combines whitespace as part of comments outside of entries - :fix:`[fix]` Fixed minor errors: - Date fields follow ISO8601-2 Extended Format specification level 1 which does not allow for single digit numbers for days, i.e '2008-12-7' is not allowed but '2008-12-07' is - Preprocess pagetotal field - :tools:`[tools]` Cleaned up tools and moved them from the top-level directory into bibpy/scripts to use setuptools' `entry_points `__ feature and `improve portability `__ `0.1.0-alpha `_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - :new:`[new]` Initial alpha version